Interviwer: “Would you like to introduce you’re self in the camera?”
Chance: “hehee~ Umm~ I’m xxx xxx but you can also call me Chance”
Interviewr: “Let’s stick with you screen name. So Chance, age?”
Chance: “Hmm~ I am 2x”
Interviewer: “So this your first time?”
Chance: “Haha~ N-no, I’ve done with other guys~”
Interviewer: “ahh~ that’s expected, How about on camera?”
Chance: “Kinda. . . maybe. . . Yeah”
Interviwer: “hehe~ Let’s hope so. how about you start showing your goods?”
Chance: “Heheh~ Sure<3 Like how they look?”
Interviwer: “Hmm~ Nice quite big aren’t they? Now how about you show your skill on the cam?”
Chance: “Surething babe~”